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Wellspring Blog

Taking a Look Back in Louisville

My usual office view is a beautiful one.  From my desk at the Wellspring offices, I can see straight east in downtown Chicago, with a great view of the John Hancock building.  This last week, however, that view changed a bit as the company picked up and moved to Louisville, Kentucky – just for a day.

No, we didn’t relocate.  It was our annual Wellspring retreat, a chance to reflect on where we’ve come and what’s next for us.  

This retreat had significant meaning for me.  I came on board here at Wellspring just before the 2013 retreat, which was in Austin, Texas.  It was the perfect way to become acquainted to my new coworkers and learn just what Wellspring is all about.  We took a few days in Texas to get to know each other better and talk about what goals we wanted to accomplish before the next retreat.

I remember at the time being almost intimidated by what we had set out to accomplish.  At the 2013 retreat, our goals were to continue offering the best Open Innovation software and services possible, while also maintaining Wellspring as a great place to work.  Without going too far into the nitty gritty, these specific goals were extremely high.

Did we achieve them?  In a word, yes.  Very much so, yes.

Besides having privilege of working with some of the smartest, hardest working, fun people I’ve ever met, we’ve also seen some significant changes since the last retreat.  Most notably, that you may already know about, was our capital raise.  This has allowed Wellspring to keep up with the ever-growing demand for Open Innovation software and bring on the necessary staff to keep up.

In fact, in my year here, our staff size has almost doubled.  These new Wellspringers have been such a welcome addition, bringing even more creativity and knowledge to the team.  I don’t mean to be too self-congratulatory, but it really has been an amazing year here.   The growth and bustle in our downtown office has been incredible.  Along the way we’ve also found many ways to improve the experience, both through offerings and ways for Sophia users to connect and work with one another.   This is something we’re going to expand upon even more.

So what’s next for us?  Some of the details of that is still being hammered out, but I can promise you that it will be another big year, with more offerings, more ways for Sophia users to connect and learn from one another, and even more opportunities for Open Innovation growth.  Stay tuned for the details, but I can promise that you too will be excited about what is in store.

Now that we’re back here in Chicago, taking a look at the beautiful downtown view, and reflecting on our next goals, I’m no longer intimidated.  Rather, I’m excited.  It’s been a thrilling year at Wellspring and I know this next year will see even more opportunities.

Personally, I can’t wait to see what’s next.