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Wellspring Blog

How to Integrate Enterprise Cost Savings with New Product Development and Innovation Programs

Rising raw material costs. Pricing pressure. Economic uncertainty. Profit margins squeezed. For most companies, factors such as these have made the need to drive down costs and improve profitability a top strategic priority.

But how can you maintain momentum for innovation and new product development initiatives alongside cost-savings projects that often compete for the same resources?

The paper below provides insights into why a growing number of companies are combining the management of innovation and cost-savings projects in a single process with common portfolio views, and outlines a 6-step best-practices process that will help you:

  • More effectively allocate resources across cost-savings and innovation projects
  • Establish a structure for capturing and evaluating cost-savings initiatives enterprise-wide
  • Prioritize cost-savings efforts based on their anticipated business value
  • Make faster, better cost-saving innovation program decisions

Integrated Cost Savings Management

Download How to Integrate Enterprise Cost-Savings with NPD and Innovation Programs now!