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Innovation management solutions must continually evolve

Sopheon by Sopheon
September 12, 2023
Innovation isn’t stagnant. There’s no resting on laurels or patting oneself on the back for extended periods. Or, as New England Patriots football coach Bill Belichick succinctly put it, “To live in the past is to die in the present.” That’s how Sopheon approached the development of our innovation... Read More

Overcoming Challenges in Research Hospital Tech Transfer Offices with TTO Management and Scouting Software

September 11, 2023
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Mastering InnovationOps: Unleashing your inner kung fu

August 29, 2023
In my article, Mastering product management: What I have learned from my kung fu journey, I used my 12+ years of study and practice of kung fu as a lens to understand what it takes to master product management. Innovation is the lifeblood of progress and success in today's fast-paced business... Read More

Strategic Innovation: The Importance of Executive Support

August 21, 2023
Many innovation departments across industries are operating productively. They practice well-understood core innovative activities: discovering short-term technologies that appropriately compete with their competitors, staying in line with their current customer's needs, and continuing to produce... Read More

How to rally around your purpose and your customer

August 18, 2023
Knowing why your product exists and how it contributes value to the business is critical for its success. Without this, product managers risk wasting time and resources on products that lack value and struggle to make a lasting impact in the marketplace. The best products are founded on a company's... Read More

Achieving predictable innovation: How portfolio management and governance drive success in InnovationOps

August 01, 2023
We’ve talked quite a bit lately about how InnovationOps—an approach that brings together an organization’s people, processes and the innovation jobs they do—helps to make innovation a predictable and repeatable exercise. It removes silos and encourages collaboration as everyone deprioritizes... Read More

How InnovationOps replaces chaos with synchronization

July 18, 2023
Innovation efforts can be many things, but it should be predictable at its core. When many hear the word innovation, we think of creative brainstorming sessions where anything goes. And while creativity is critical to the process, continuous innovation must be structured to make it repeatable and... Read More

6 steps to successfully prototype and test product ideas

July 13, 2023
So, you’ve defined your user needs, you've turned them into feature and product ideas, you’ve prioritized those ideas, and proved that they're desirable, viable, feasible and aligned with your strategy. The next step to take in the product discovery process is to validate your ideas with real-world... Read More

UP… UPC… EP… What does this all mean?

July 12, 2023
As the Sunrise Period has recently ended, clients continue to express an interest in better understanding the options and implications of applying for a Unitary Patent (UP) and how their existing European Patents (EP) if not proactively opted out, will be under the dual jurisdiction of the Unified... Read More

Why product management holds the keys to the InnovationOps kingdom

July 04, 2023
Before becoming a product person, I studied microbiology and cell science in college (quite a transition, I know). As a result, I’ve always been intrigued by the concept of a catalyst. In science, a catalyst is an object that increases the frequency of successful collisions in a reaction and lowers... Read More
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