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Wellspring Blog

Penny Pinching Consumers

September 05, 2013
We all know a "penny pincher," those consumers out there who have a self-perception of being frugal or thrifty, while their friends see them as stingy or tight. To be fair, at one time or another, most have mimicked this behavior to save money. With the increasing cost of commodities, many... Read More

Dealing with Imbalance in Innovation

August 29, 2013
Think of a small company. People get together to think and dream; they come up with ideas. If funded, those people then turn those ideas into reality and bring products to market. Sounds easy. Read More

Four Levels for Great Ideas

August 27, 2013
If you ever wonder about the maturity of your company's ideation process, these four levels are a simple yardstick – whether you have software to support them or not. Read More

An Agile Way to Implement Enterprise Software

August 22, 2013
I would like to share some insights I experienced during a recent project where the agile is a way of implementing and delivering our enterprise innovation management software, Accolade,Innovation Management. The agile approach proves itself, by instead of waiting for months, the first pieces of... Read More

Leveraging Agile Principals in Non-Software Product Development – Part Four

August 20, 2013
In my last post, I discussed how much of a product's success is the customers' emotional response to the product. Understanding that this response and feedback is critical for a successful launch, these teams would benefit greatly from leveraging a core agile principal to deliver early and adapt... Read More

Slow Death by Project Portfolio Management

August 15, 2013
In my last blog post, I wondered, if it's clear that project management won't help you avoid product launch faux pas or innovation mistakes, why is there so much emphasis on Project Portfolio Management (PPM) to improve the results of your innovation? Read More

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Process of Roadmapping

August 15, 2013
What do we mean by " product roadmapping"? And how does it differ from other business processes? Most of all, why is it important? Here, we answer the most frequently asked questions about roadmapping - what it is, who is and should be using roadmapping processes, and why your organization should... Read More

Is Your Innovation Performance Not Meeting Expectations?

August 14, 2013
Although it is widely accepted by CEOs and senior business leaders that innovation is the foundation of long-term, profitable revenue growth; many companies believe their innovation pipeline is under-performing against expectations. Read More

Are you Innovating or Renovating?

August 06, 2013
I have seen several research studies over the past couple of months about the decline of new-to-world and new-to-market products with a corresponding increase in incremental product improvements, product line extensions, and packaging changes. That begs the question – what should we consider as... Read More

Managing Innovation Projects in the Chemical Industry

August 01, 2013
The chemical industry is changing very quickly due to new methods of getting oil and gas from fracturing layers of rock. These new discoveries are changing the dynamics of the field, because they bring the cost of natural gas down substantially. As a result, traditional players in the petrochemical... Read More