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Wellspring Blog

Ready for a leap forward in Tech Transfer

January 29, 2015
For more than 40 years, AUTM has provided essential education for technology transfer professionals around the world. The annual AUTM event continues to serve as the single most important meeting place for industry leaders, investors, and academic research professionals. Read More

Tesla, Patents, and Open Innovation -- Oh My!

July 11, 2014
Few people can start a buzz quite like Elon Musk. Even his cars get people to stop and stare as they drive down the street. Me? I actually offered a guy at my gym money if he’d let me drive his Model S around the block. (He declined. Turns out if you spend $70,000 on a car, you’re not willing to... Read More

Who Owns that Patent? 3 Ways to Avoid 30 Years of Disputes.

April 16, 2013
Pfizer and the NIH have taken sides on who owns background intellectual property (IP) rights to the blockbuster arthritis drug Xeljanz. Its undisputed that Pfizer invested over $1B in the drug, and its undisputed that Pfizer and NIH had an joint R&D contract, called a CRADA, in place during the... Read More
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