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Desirability testing: How to create products that people want

October 06, 2023
90% of all start-ups fail. Of these, 35% fail because of a lack of customer desirability: a lack of market need for their product. Read More

Combining physical and digital product development strategy with InnovationOps

September 26, 2023
In 2023, a bat is more than a blunt object used to hit a baseball. It can be a highly sophisticated, connected piece of sports technology that collects vital information to help enhance individual swings and perfect the art of hitting. Read More

How to rally around your purpose and your customer

August 18, 2023
Knowing why your product exists and how it contributes value to the business is critical for its success. Without this, product managers risk wasting time and resources on products that lack value and struggle to make a lasting impact in the marketplace. The best products are founded on a company's... Read More

6 steps to successfully prototype and test product ideas

July 13, 2023
So, you’ve defined your user needs, you've turned them into feature and product ideas, you’ve prioritized those ideas, and proved that they're desirable, viable, feasible and aligned with your strategy. The next step to take in the product discovery process is to validate your ideas with real-world... Read More

Why product management holds the keys to the InnovationOps kingdom

July 04, 2023
Before becoming a product person, I studied microbiology and cell science in college (quite a transition, I know). As a result, I’ve always been intrigued by the concept of a catalyst. In science, a catalyst is an object that increases the frequency of successful collisions in a reaction and lowers... Read More

Harnessing the power of ChatGPT for product management

July 03, 2023
ChatGPT can be a valuable productivity improvement tool for product managers when we understand what it excels at and keep its limitations in mind. Read More

5 techniques to prioritize your product features

June 12, 2023
So, you’ve defined your user needs and you've turned them into feature and product ideas. But now you’re struggling to prioritize which to develop — we get that. Read More

How to turn user needs into feature and product ideas

May 04, 2023
Let’s set the scene. You’ve spent the past few weeks chatting with users, doing market research and identifying potential needs. You’ve got sticky notes from floor to ceiling and documents upon documents of notes detailing pain points, problems and goals. Read More

Mastering product management: What I have learned from my kung fu journey

April 24, 2023
Over the last 30 years, I have held the title of product manager, director of product management, and Chief Product Officer in different software, hardware, and services businesses. About 12 years ago, I began my martial arts journey, learning a style of kung fu called Eagle Claw. Kung fu, also... Read More

How to understand and define user needs

April 20, 2023
In 2012, Google announced Google Glass, its futuristic voice- and motion-controlled smart glasses that display information directly in its user’s field of vision when they need it. With this product, they’d hoped to create the next revolutionary hardware platform. But when the product was released... Read More
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