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Wellspring Blog

The Rise of ChatGPT and Its Impacts on Innovation

April 18, 2023
Most of us have heard about ChatGPT, while many have actually used it in some way, even if only to see what the hype is all about. It's one of the fastest adopted technologies ever and will have impacts on how we work, what we produce, and how quickly we're able to innovate. Read More

Bioplastics: ready for prime-time?

February 10, 2021
Starting with the development of a commercial polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) product in the 1980s, bioplastics have received off-and-on attention given their potential for widespread application in industry. In particular, it has long been thought that biosynthesized polymers – plastics produced... Read More

Expanding Your Open Innovation Network

January 11, 2017
External technology networks consist of industry experts, supply chain partners, university researchers, start-ups, and government research laboratories. These technology networks change as new partners emerge and new technologies are unveiled within existing partner networks. In order to gain an... Read More

Olympic Innovations: How Technology Impacted Swimming

August 17, 2016
Nearly every Olympics, we hear about a new broken world record in one sport or another. While much of this can be attributed to better training, coaching, and dietary techniques, the headlines never focus on the impact that technology has on these records. Although we like to believe that new... Read More



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